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Programme de Soins Primaires Palliatifs
Détails du programme (Retour au programme)

[This page is only available in English]

The Palliative Primary Care Program supports individuals and families in Timmins coping with physical, emotional, social, and psychological concerns caused by living with a life threatening illness. The Team consists of a group of dedicated health care professionals working together to provide support and symptoms management to families and individuals with an advance progressive illness. In partnership with other community resources, we will work with patients to provide Palliative Care that is appropriate, timely and pertinent to their personal goals of care. This program will provide access to a Primary Care Provider, nutritional and counseling services, consultations, and a Patient Navigator who will facilitate referrals to community resources and support patients and families as they learn to self-navigate.

We accept referrals from a variety of sources including patients, family/friend, physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, community agencies, Long Term Care Facilities, Oncology, CCAC, hospital / ER and MD. 

For more information or to speak to our Patient Navigator please call our toll free number: 705-267-1993 Ext 305